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OSV Scanner vs npm-audit: A detailed comparison of SCA tools

Liron Biam writer profile image
By Liron Biam

Updated June 18, 2024.

OSV Scanner vs npm-audit: A detailed comparison of SCA tools

The widespread adoption of external libraries and packages in the modern application development process introduces potential security risks that could impact the entire application. To address this, Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools like npm-audit and OSV Scanner play an important role. 

These tools are specifically designed to monitor and analyze the security of externally-developed components, providing developers with insights into potential vulnerabilities and enabling proactive measures to protect their software.

Of course, the significance of SCA tools cannot be overstated. As developers integrate various packages to build intricate systems, the risk of introducing vulnerabilities grows. So, let's take a general look at SCA, and then analyze and compare what these tools have to offer.

>> Read our list of the top 10 SCA tools

Explaining SCA

Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is a crucial practice in modern software development that manages vulnerabilities in third-party components, particularly as reliance on open-source and commercial packages grows. 

SCA tools automate the scanning of dependencies for security issues, ensuring applications are built with secure components and comply with security standards.

These tools proactively monitor for new vulnerabilities, seamlessly integrating into CI/CD environments to provide real-time security analysis, allowing developers to quickly update or replace insecure elements without disrupting development, thus preventing potential breaches.

>>Read our tips for an effective SCA scan

Exploring Use Cases for SCA Tools

As previously mentioned, Software Composition Analysis tools are crucial in modern software development, where the use of external packages and libraries is universal.

Developers often rely on these pre-built components to streamline development processes and introduce sophisticated functionalities without extensive coding. However, the convenience comes with risks, mainly when these components are not properly vetted for security vulnerabilities. SCA tools are employed in a variety of situations:

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipelines: SCA tools are integrated into CI/CD pipelines to perform automatic checks whenever changes are made, ensuring that newly introduced or updated dependencies do not bring new vulnerabilities.

  • Compliance and Auditing: For industries where software compliance with security standards is mandatory, SCA tools help in maintaining and documenting compliance by providing audit trails of dependency checks and updates.

  • Developer Due Diligence: Before adopting a new library or tool, developers can use SCA tools to assess the security posture of potential dependencies, avoiding the integration of components with known security issues.

npm-audit Overview

npm-audit is an important component of the npm (Node Package Manager) toolset, specifically crafted for Node.js to audit the security of package dependencies. 

By examining the details listed in the project’s `package.json` and `package-lock.json` files, npm-audit cross-references each listed dependency against vulnerability databases – such as the national vulnerability database – of known vulnerabilities maintained by the npm registry. This process helps developers ensure their application dependencies are secure from known threats.

The primary function of npm-audit is not only to detect vulnerabilities but also to offer actionable solutions to mitigate these risks. It is particularly valued for its ability to automatically fix vulnerabilities through the following command:

npm audit fix

This command adjusts vulnerable dependencies to their more secure versions with minimal intervention.


  • Integration and Ease of Use: npm-audit is directly integrated into the npm command-line interface, making it readily accessible without additional installation or setup for projects already using npm.

  • Immediate Feedback: It provides real-time feedback on security vulnerabilities within the project’s dependencies directly in the development environment, enabling quick detection and resolution.

  • Automated Remediation: With the `npm audit fix` command, npm-audit not only identifies vulnerabilities but also attempts to automatically resolve these issues by updating to non-vulnerable versions of the affected packages.


  • Limited to npm Ecosystem: Unfortunately, its functionality is confined to npm-managed packages, which can be a limitation for projects that use multiple technology stacks or package managers.

  • Dependency on Public Vulnerability Databases: The effectiveness of npm-audit is dependent on the currency and completeness of the npm public vulnerability database, which may not always reflect the most recent security findings.

>>Learn five ways to use npm-audit

OSV Scanner Overview

OSV Scanner extends the scope of SCA by supporting multiple languages and package managers, making it ideal for diverse and more complex project environments. 

It accommodates a variety of technology stacks with support for major programming languages and compatibility with package systems like npm and Yarn, providing a robust solution for identifying vulnerabilities across various software ecosystems.

Additionally, OSV Scanner offers the capability to scan Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) for vulnerabilities, thereby enriching SBOMs with security-related information for each open source component. This feature provides detailed insights into the software’s dependency structure, ensuring all components, including transitive ones, are scrutinized for security risks and licensing issues.


  • Multi-language Support: OSV Scanner's ability to work across different programming languages and ecosystems makes it extremely versatile for projects that span multiple platforms.

  • Detailed Security Reports: The solution provides comprehensive details about vulnerabilities, including their severity, impact, and recommendations for mitigation, aiding in more informed decision-making.

  • Advanced Features for Compliance: OSV Scanner supports the open source license detection, which is crucial for regulatory compliance, particularly in industries like healthcare and finance where software security is stringently regulated.


  • Complexity in Setup and Use: Its wide range of capabilities and support for multiple platforms can make OSV Scanner more complex to set up and integrate compared to more focused tools like npm-audit.

  • Performance Overhead: The extensive scanning and analysis processes can introduce significant performance overhead, especially in large projects with numerous dependencies.

  • Extra configuration for transitive dependencies: in order to scan transitive dependencies, OSV Scanner requires the user to include the lockfiles in your repo, which include the direct and transitive dependencies for the manifest file. OSV Scanner does not handle this automatically.

>>Learn when and how to use OSV Scanner

When To Use Npm-Audit vs. OSV Scanner

Choosing between npm-audit and OSV Scanner often hinges on the specific requirements and the environment in which your project operates. 

npm-audit, deeply integrated within the npm ecosystem, is ideally suited for projects that are entirely based on Node.js and utilize npm as their primary package manager. It excels in environments where rapid, automated checks and fixes of Node.js package vulnerabilities are critical. This makes npm-audit particularly effective for projects that demand quick turnaround times and have a high reliance on npm packages.

On the other hand, OSV Scanner is designed to cater to a broader range of programming environments and package managers. It's an excellent choice for multi-language projects or complex environments that integrate several different technologies. OSV Scanner's ability to support various languages and its comprehensive database make it suitable for projects that not only require regular security checks but also need thorough documentation for compliance and licensing purposes.

Choosing the Right Tool: Essential Considerations

When deciding which tool to integrate into your project, several key factors should guide your decision:

  • Integration and Setup: Evaluate how easily the tool can be integrated into your existing development processes. npm-audit might be the go-to for npm-centric environments due to its seamless setup, while OSV Scanner could be more beneficial for its versatility across different platforms.

  • Scope of Security Coverage: Consider the extent of the security coverage you need. npm-audit is very effective within its scope, perfect for npm-heavy projects, whereas OSV Scanner offers a wider lens on security across multiple ecosystems.

  • Compliance Requirements: If your project operates under stringent regulatory standards, the comprehensive analysis provided by OSV Scanner, including its license scanning capabilities, might be necessary to meet compliance demands.

Nevertheless, choosing the right security tool for your project is not a straightforward decision. Each tool has unique strengths and areas of applicability, requiring careful consideration of your project's specific needs, technological environment, and compliance requirements.

How We at Jit Help

At Jit, we streamline the decision-making process by offering a unified platform that incorporates both npm-audit and OSV Scanner, eliminating the need to choose between them. If you’re using node.js, Jit will automatically trigger npm-audit. If you’re using another language, we’ll initiate an OSV Scanner analysis. Simply install Jit into your GitHub repos, and select “SCA” to scan all of your repos with these tools.

This will also automatically trigger scans for every PR, ensuring continuous code security analysis whenever developers commit new code.

Our comprehensive solution integrates these tools along with additional security features such as Static Application Security Testing (SAST), secret scanning, infrastructure as code (IaC) scanning, Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), and more.

This all-in-one approach ensures that you benefit from the combined strengths of npm-audit and OSV Scanner, along with a suite of other security measures designed to protect your software across multiple fronts. With Jit, you gain access to a robust security platform that not only simplifies the integration of essential security tools but also enhances your project's overall security posture without the complexity of managing multiple solutions.

>>Learn more about Jit’s platform