In this article

7 Common Security Misconfigurations and How to Avoid Them

Understanding the different types of security misconfigurations is the first step to protecting yourself in the future.

Charlie Klein - Director of Product Marketing at Jit
By Charlie Klein
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Updated September 9, 2024.

Two software developers sitting in front of a computer reviewing and prioritizing security vulnerabilities

Nowadays, the complexity and scale of modern systems have, unfortunately, increased the risk of security breaches. When these systems are not properly managed, they can easily become vulnerable to attacks. Cybersecurity threats are evolving rapidly, and it is crucial for organizations to stay ahead of potential risks.    

In this blog, we aim to highlight common security misconfigurations and provide practical advice on how to avoid them. By understanding these pitfalls, developers and IT professionals can safeguard their systems and protect sensitive data.

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Examples of Cybersecurity Breaches Due to Misconfigurations

Capital One Data Breach (2019)

In 2019, a misconfigured firewall in AWS exposed the personal information of over 100 million Capital One customers. The breach resulted in significant financial losses and legal consequences, including fines, settlements, and damage to the company's reputation.

The breach was initiated by a former AWS employee who exploited the misconfigured firewall to gain access to sensitive customer information, including names, addresses, credit scores, and social security numbers. The attacker utilized a vulnerability in AWS' infrastructure to conduct a Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attack, manipulating the system to execute unauthorized commands.

Microsoft Power Apps (2021)

In 2021, misconfigured default permissions on Microsoft Power Apps led to the exposure of sensitive data belonging to 38 million users.

The exposed data included personal information such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers, which could be exploited for malicious purposes. This incident reminds us that even widely used and trusted platforms can pose significant risks if not correctly configured, emphasizing the importance of robust security practices and continuous monitoring.

Understanding some notable breaches that have occurred in the past will provide valuable insights into the vulnerabilities and threats we need to address.

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Jit infographic showing the seven common security misconfigurations

1. Default and Weak Credentials

Default or weak credentials are a common security oversight in many systems, including applications, databases, and cloud services. During the initial setup of devices, software, or cloud instances, default credentials often remain unchanged, which poses a substantial security risk.

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Why It's Dangerous

Attackers can easily exploit systems with default or weak credentials using automated tools designed to detect these vulnerabilities. Such exploitations can lead to unauthorized access and extensive data breaches that could potentially give attackers control over critical systems, significantly increasing security risks and impacts on the organization.

How to Avoid It

  • Immediate action: Change default credentials immediately after systems are installed or set up. This initial step is crucial in preventing attackers from easily accessing systems with known default credentials.
  • Password policies: Create strong, unique passwords for all systems and implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to significantly enhance security measures against unauthorized access. Implement password complexity requirements to ensure that passwords are difficult to guess or crack.
  • Regular updates: Regularly update all software, firmware, and passwords to protect against the latest security vulnerabilities. Schedule regular maintenance checks to ensure that all systems are running the most current and secure versions of software.

» Vulnerability prioritization is the first step to remediation

Open Source Tools to Automatically Scan for Vulnerabilities

  • Nmap: This network scanner identifies systems still using default credentials. It utilizes scripts that check for common default login details on exposed services, aiding in the prompt identification and rectification of such vulnerabilities.
  • OpenVAS: Known for its comprehensive vulnerability scanning capabilities, OpenVAS includes specific checks for default and weak credentials across various systems. This tool helps organizations detect and address security gaps before malicious actors can exploit them.

2. Insecure Default Settings

Insecure default settings refer to initial configuration parameters set during the installation of software and systems, which are often neglected and left unchanged.

Common examples include databases configured to allow open access or software installations where critical security features are disabled by default. These settings are typically intended for initial testing or ease of setup and are not suitable for production environments without proper hardening.

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Why It's Dangerous

Leaving default settings unchanged can significantly expose systems to a variety of security risks, providing attackers with easy opportunities to exploit these vulnerabilities.

This negligence not only increases the attack surface but also complicates the overall security architecture, making systems inherently more challenging to secure and manage effectively. If exploited, the implications extend beyond individual systems to potentially jeopardize the entire network.

» Don't forget to implement a vulnerability management program

How to Avoid It

  • Security best practices: This includes hardening configurations and enabling necessary security controls tailored to the operational environment.
  • Disable unnecessary features: Proactively disable any features, services, or settings that are not essential to the system's function. Minimizing the number of active components reduces potential entry points for attackers.

Open Source Tools to Automatically Scan for Vulnerabilities

  • Prowler: Designed specifically for AWS environments, Prowler provides comprehensive checks against AWS security best practices, including robust access control validations. It helps identify misconfigurations and security risks, enabling teams to enforce stringent access controls.

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3. Lack of Security Updates

The failure to apply security patches and updates to software, systems, and devices represents a significant oversight in maintaining system integrity.

This issue arises when organizations do not manage their update processes effectively, leaving vulnerabilities that are publicly known and have available patches unaddressed. These gaps occur due to various factors, including the complexity of deployment environments, oversight, or resource constraints.

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Why It's Dangerous

Systems that lack timely updates become prime targets for cyber attackers. These adversaries exploit known vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, disrupt services, or execute malicious actions.

The risks associated with unpatched software can lead to severe consequences, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, and extensive operational disruption. Unpatched vulnerabilities serve as the entry point for attackers to infiltrate networks and escalate their privileges within the system architecture.

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How to Avoid It

  • Routine patch management: Establish a regular patch management process that ensures regular updates and timely application of security patches. This system should include review and deployment schedules that align with the critical nature of the updates and the vulnerabilities they address.
  • Automate update processes: Utilize automated tools to monitor and apply updates across all systems. Automation helps eliminate human error and ensures that updates are applied consistently, reducing the window of opportunity for attackers to exploit outdated software.

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Open Source Tools to Automatically Scan for Missing Updates

  • OpenVAS: A powerful vulnerability scanner that checks systems for known vulnerabilities and missing patches. OpenVAS provides administrators with detailed reports and actionable recommendations for remediation, helping to fortify security by ensuring systems are up-to-date.

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4. Improper Access Controls

Improper access controls occur when systems fail to adequately restrict user access based on defined roles or security policies. These shortcomings often result from misconfigurations during initial setup or due to oversight in maintaining strict access guidelines over time.

Common examples include cloud storage buckets configured for public access and applications lacking rigorous role-based access control (RBAC) mechanisms.

Why It's Dangerous

Inadequate access controls can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data or critical systems, significantly increasing the risk of data breaches. This exposure can allow attackers to exploit these vulnerabilities to perform malicious actions such as data theft or modification.

Moreover, improper access controls can facilitate privilege escalation, enabling attackers to gain higher levels of access than initially intended. Such escalations can lead to severe security compromises, affecting the broader network or data environment.

How to Avoid It

  • Implement the "least privilege" principle: Ensure that all users and systems have only the access necessary to perform their functions. This principle minimizes the potential impact of a compromise by limiting access to essential resources.
  • Conduct regular audits: Regularly review and audit access permissions to confirm they align with current security policies and operational requirements. These reviews help identify and rectify excess permissions or outdated access rights that could pose security risks.

Open Source Tools to Automatically Scan for Access Control Issues

  • CloudSploit: This tool performs automated security audits of cloud environments to identify risks, including improper access controls. CloudSploit's audits help organizations ensure their cloud configurations adhere to security best practices, preventing unauthorized access.

5. Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

Insufficient logging and monitoring refer to the failure to adequately record security-related events or effectively track system activities for anomalies, potentially leading to data exfiltration. This misconfiguration can be seen in scenarios where systems lack comprehensive logs, preventing the detection and investigation of unauthorized access attempts or data breaches.

Why It's Dangerous

The absence of detailed logging and robust monitoring severely impairs an organization's capacity to swiftly detect and respond to security incidents. This lack of visibility can allow malicious activities to persist undetected, potentially leading to severe data loss or system compromise.

Furthermore, inadequate logging compromises the forensic analysis and hinders the ability to understand the scope of an attack, evaluate the impact, and prevent future breaches.

How to Avoid It

  • Implement comprehensive logging: Develop and deploy a thorough logging strategy that captures all relevant security events across every system and application within the organization’s network, ensuring that any suspicious activity is logged and available for review.
  • Utilize centralized monitoring: Employ centralized monitoring solutions that consolidate logs from various sources. These systems analyze the aggregated data to detect anomalies and provide real-time alerts, enabling prompt responses to potential security threats.

Open Source Tools to Implement Logging and Monitoring

  • Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK Stack): This trio offers a powerful suite for handling log data. Elasticsearch acts as a search and analytics engine, Logstash is used for log parsing and ingestion, and Kibana serves as the analytics and visualization platform. Together, they provide an effective solution for managing and analyzing large volumes of log data, enhancing the detection and response capabilities of security teams. You can learn more about the ELK stack here.

6. Incorrect Security Group and Firewall Rules

Incorrectly configured security groups or firewall rules can lead to unintended or overly permissive traffic that might jeopardize network security. For example, leaving ports open to the internet that should be restricted, or exposing internal networks to unnecessary external traffic can provide avenues for attackers.

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Why It's Dangerous

Misconfigured security groups and firewall rules can expose systems to external attacks, making unauthorized access or data leaks more feasible. The broader implications for network security include increased vulnerability to attacks that facilitate unauthorized access as well as the potential for attackers to move laterally within compromised networks, exacerbating the scope and impact of breaches.

How to Avoid It

  • Strict traffic rules: It's crucial to implement strict rules for inbound and outbound traffic, allowing only necessary and authorized communications.
  • Regular audits: Conducting regular reviews and audits of security group and firewall configurations are also recommended to ensure they continually adhere to best security practices.

Open Source Tools to Automatically Scan Applications

  • Wazuh: This tool monitors security events from various sources and provides a detailed analysis of firewall rules and security group configurations. By integrating Wazuh, organizations can enhance their ability to detect misconfigurations and apply corrections promptly.

7. Misconfigured Encryption Settings

Misconfigured encryption settings can critically undermine data security by failing to properly protect data both in transit and at rest. Common issues include using outdated encryption protocols, weak encryption keys, or failing to encrypt sensitive data altogether. These vulnerabilities can leave data exposed and susceptible to interception or unauthorized access.

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Why It's Dangerous

Weak or absent encryption can expose sensitive data to unauthorized parties, significantly increasing the risk of data breaches. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to access and manipulate data, compromising both its confidentiality and integrity. This not only affects the immediate security of the data but also undermines the trust stakeholders place in an organization's ability to safeguard information.

How to Avoid It

To prevent these issues, it is essential to use strong and up-to-date encryption standards, such as AES-256, ensuring all sensitive data is protected both in transit and at rest. Organizations should also conduct regular reviews and updates of their encryption configurations to stay in line with evolving security standards and best practices.

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Open Source Tools to Automatically Scan Applications

  • SSLyze: This tool is designed to analyze the SSL/TLS configuration of servers, effectively detecting weak or outdated encryption protocols and configurations. It provides critical insights necessary for strengthening cryptographic practices and includes features to automate the scanning process, making it easier to identify and address security vulnerabilities in server configurations.

About Jit

Jit scans your cloud environment to surface the misconfigurations described in this article using Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM).

That said, identifying security misconfigurations is just one part of a larger devsecops objective: to secure your apps and data in the cloud, which requires other controls like SAST, SCA, secrets detection, container scanning, IaC scanning and more. Jit unifies all of these controls within a single platform to prevent tool sprawl and siloed security monitoring. 

Plus, Jit uses contextual prioritization to highlight the top security findings based on their runtime context – like whether they're in production or exposed to the internet. This helps our users stay focused on the real risks, while weeding out the noise.

Benefits of Using Jit

  • Integrated security checks: Jit enhances the security of development projects by automating the detection of security misconfigurations throughout the CI/CD pipeline. This continuous protection ensures that security considerations are embedded from the earliest stages of software development, reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing the secure design of software development.
  • Developer-friendly: Jit’s platform was built to help developers consistently resolve vulnerabilities before production, featuring tools and interfaces that are intuitive and easy to integrate into existing development workflows. This design philosophy helps to lower the entry barrier for implementing robust security measures, making it simpler for developers to incorporate security best practices into their daily tasks.
  • Continuous monitoring and alerts: Jit’s monitoring enables developers and security teams to respond promptly to potential vulnerabilities, while measuring security posture improvement over time.