Jit vs. GHAS

Jit and GitHub Advanced Security both provide application security solutions, with significant differences around the developer UX, reporting, and breadth of security tool support.
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Jeff Haynie
“Jit provides continuous security by enabling my team to find and fix vulnerabilities in-PRs without slowing them down or expecting them to be security experts.”
Jeff Haynie
CTO at ShopMonkey

Compare Jit with GHAS

Jit logo
Jit’s change-based scans ensure developers immediately see newly introduced vulnerabilities relevant to their change. All vulnerability info is presented within the PR.
GHAS is easy to implement, but it  requires developers to view their findings in a backlog. This forces them out of their PR and makes it difficult to locate the findings relevant to their change.
Speed of onboarding across GitHub repos
Roll out your Jit security toolchain across your GitHub repos in a matter of minutes to begin scanning code.
GHAS, unsurprisingly, can quickly and easily integrate with GitHub repos to begin scanning code.
Breadth of security tools
Jit offers a wide range of security tools, including SAST, SCA, IaC security, secrets detection, CI/CD, Cloud, and Web App and API Security. All tools are unified into the same UX.
GHAS features SAST, SCA, and a Secrets Scanner. GHAS tools have different UXs for the in-PR experience and remediation code suggestions (see below).
Remediation code suggestions
Includes IaC security, SCA, SAST, and Cloud Scanner
Only for SCA.
Centralized security reporting across repos
View detailed metrics on open vulnerabilities, MTTR, and other stats in one centralized view. Easily measure progress per team.
Basic centralized reporting. Must manually enter each repo to gather metrics on open vulnerabilities.
CentralizedIn-PR developer experience (see the comparison below for detailed view) security reporting across repos
All relevant information to remediate vulnerabilities for SAST, SCA, secrets detection, and IaC security is presented entirely within the PR.
No in-PR experience for SCA. SAST and secrets detection have in-PR scanning, but developers must go to the security tab to view findings in a separate backlog, which can disrupt developer workflows.
Ability to determine vulnerability exploitability
Jit’s Context Engine can determine whether a vulnerability is exploitable in production and poses a risk, so developers can prioritize the most important findings.
GHAS cannot determine whether a vulnerability is exploitable in production, making it difficult for developers to understand which findings are most important.

Compare the in-PR experience of Jit and GHAS

GitHub Advanced Security
Risk descripition
External references
Remediation code
Remediation guidance

Create a proactive Developer & Security culture with Jit's DevSecOps Orchestration Platform

Switch from Snyk to Jit.io to accelerate your Product Security program at an affordable price and a unified DevSecOps platform covering the whole attack surface: AppSec-CI/CD-Cloud Security-DAST.
In-PR remediations
Switch from Snyk to Jit.io to accelerate your Product Security program at an affordable price and a unified DevSecOps platform covering the whole attack surface: AppSec-CI/CD-Cloud Security-DAST.
High accuracy & efficiency, low noise
Switch from Snyk to Jit.io to accelerate your Product Security program at an affordable price and a unified DevSecOps platform covering the whole attack surface: AppSec-CI/CD-Cloud Security-DAST.
Zero friction, dev-friendlyexperience
Switch from Snyk to Jit.io to accelerate your Product Security program at an affordable price and a unified DevSecOps platform covering the whole attack surface: AppSec-CI/CD-Cloud Security-DAST.
Full visibility with a single-pane-of-glass centralized view

Integrate Jit seamlessly with your entire security stack

Developer environment:
Keep your developers working inline in their native environment and workflows: Their IDE, SCM, Jira, and Slack.
Security tools:
We curated and integrated the best security tools for your security plans, so you don't have to do it. If you want to bring your own tools, easily plug them into Jit’s open orchestration framework.
Your custom tool
pending curation

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