The born-left product security blog
Jit's blogs contains guides to implement the best product security tools, how to build security into your development culture, and best practices for understanding and mitigating product security risk.
Forget Mono Repo vs. Multi Repo - Building Centralized Git Workflows in PythonAbout
This content is brought to you by Jit - a platform that simplifies continuous security for developers, enabling dev teams to adopt a ‘minimal viable security’ mindset, and build secure cloud appDecember 3, 2024
AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity WHAT?! Solving the Github to AWS OIDC InvalidIdentityToken Failure LoopWe encountered the InvalidIdentityToken error with the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity method. This error occurred when running pipelines with an OIDC provider for AWS. We went through a whole process of reMarch 5, 2024