Conf42: Site Reliability Engineering 2022

First Line of Defense for the OWASP Serverless Security Top 10

First Line of Defense for the OWASP Serverless Security Top 10: 

OWASP Serverless Top 10 aims at educating practitioners and organizations about the consequences of the most common serverless application security vulnerabilities, as well as providing basic techniques to identify and protect against them. Today, in order to have your application secured, you have to go and check that these security risks are answered manually or by implementing an automated tool to verify that.

As with most security plans, the language of such plans can be translated and implemented differently across organizations, tech stacks, and features. Our mission in Jit is to prescribe the right plan for your serverless application and automate the entire implementation of controls to answer the top 10 risks.

Jit- product security for busy developers- Location
Virtual - Online
Jit- product security for busy developers- Date
June 9, 2022
Clock- time

Meet the Team:

Daniel Koch
VP engineering
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10:00 AM - 11:00PM
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Solution Engineer

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12:00 IST
Gilad Barzilay
VP of Business Development & Alliances

How to leverage AWS Marketplace

Aviram Shmueli
Co-Founder, Chief Research and Innovation Officer

AWS re:Invent

10:00 AM - 11:00AM
How to secure your cloud and code?
David Melamed
Co-founder and CTO

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna

Exploring The False Dichotomy Between Dev Velocity and Product Security
11:00 AM - 12:00AM
What Jit can do?
Avi Douglen
Founder and CEO at Bounce Security and Global Board of Directors at OWASP

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