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Announcing Context Engine: Automated vulnerability prioritization based on business risk

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The Open ASPM Platform

Learn about Jit’s tech coverage, onboarding steps, user experience, security monitoring, and more.
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How Jit integrates continuous security into developer routines

Security Plans provide full coverage in minutes

Onboard Jit across repos in minutes without any per-repo configuration.
Activate a Security Plan, which integrates out-of-the-box security toolchains, CI/CD integrations, and monitoring across your repos.
Activating a Security Plan initiates scans for all connected repos, and implements continuous scanning as new PRs are created.
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Your Own Plan
Minimum Viable Security Plan
CI/CD Security Plan
Cloud Security Plan
Application Security Plan
Secrets Detection
K8s Config Security
IaC Security
GitHub Security
Open Source License check
DAST - App security
DAST - API Security

Automatically detect vulnerabilities as developers push code

Jit automatically invokes security tools (defined in your Security Plan) as new PRs and deployments are created.
Change-based scanning provides immediate security feedback for each PR, so developers aren't overwhelmed with vulnerabilities.
Code security scans run on GitHub Actions 
without pulling code to the cloud.
See Jit in Action

Remediate security issues quickly while minimizing false positives

Jit provides security guidance and auto remediation for vulnerabilities within the PR or IDE.
Context Engine verifies whether vulnerabilities are exposed and exploitable in production using ML, which significantly reduces false positives.
Developers can choose to make a fix or ignore the finding, which is monitored in the Jit app.
Learn more about Jit's developer uX

Monitoring and gamification to track the security posture of each team

Every team leader gets a dashboard for their team to identify gaps, measure MTTR, vulnerability exposure windows, and more.
Motivate developers to secure their code with a leaderboard that scores teams based on unresolved vulnerabilities.
Track the progress of your security plan as the associated security controls are implemented and vulnerabilities are solved.
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Add any app or cloud security tool to Jit’s extensible orchestration framework

Plug your preferred security tools into Jit’s extensible framework to unify the execution and UX of any security tool, enabling a more consistent DevSecOps experience.
Jit supports open source tools, proprietary tools, or even your own in-house tool.
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Instantly achieve continuous product security, from day 0

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